Leafy Green Easy Houseplants That Anyone Can Grow!

Best Houseplants for Beginners | Easy Houseplants | Sell Your Home in 24 Hours

Houseplants are a great addition to your home – they help purify your air, add color and life, and they’re trendy too! Take a look at these leafy, green statement plants for some inspiration. They’re easy houseplants that are ideal for beginners and those of us who weren’t blessed with green fingers.


#5 of the Best Houseplants for Beginners


#1 – Monstera Deliciosa


The delicious monster is Instagram’s favorite houseplant, and it’s easy to see why. With its large, fenestrated leaves and deep emerald color, it gives any space a tropical touch. This statement plant is easy to grow indoors too, but be sure to give it some space – in the right conditions, it can reach an impressive 10 feet tall!


It needs a rich, well-draining soil, bright indirect light (little to no sunshine directly onto the leaves), and regular watering when the soil starts feeling dry. You can fertilize it every 2-4 weeks with an organic liquid fertilizer solution. Be sure not to let water collect in the pot, as this can cause the roots to start rotting.


One thing to note – the plant is mildly toxic to pets and humans if eaten, so keep it out of reach of small children and animals.


#2 – Ficus Elastica


Also called the rubber tree, this is another lovely and easy houseplant to grow. It comes in a wide range of shapes and colors, from classic deep green to deep maroon with pink, yellow or cream markings. It will grow to a dull-sized tree if planted outside, but adapts well to living in containers, where you can control it through pot size and pruning.


This tropical plant loves bright light and enjoys direct sunlight, needs moist well-draining soil, and a light dose of organic liquid fertilizer every 2-4 weeks. It’s also mildly toxic if ingested, so be sure to take precautions if you have pets or small children.


#3 – Calathea Orbifolia


With its large, rounded leaves that are striped green and white, this leafy houseplant is a striking addition to your home and one of the best easy houseplants to care for. It is non-toxic to pets and humans, and it likes bright, indirect light, well-drained soil that’s kept moist, and a light dose of organic fertilizer in the growing season.

One thing to note is that it does love humidity, which can be a challenge at some times of the year. In very dry spells, keep the soil moist and mist your plant once or twice a day to help keep it looking it’s best.


#4 – Sansevieria Trifasciata


It’s easy to see why the snake plant, also known as Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, is one of the best houseplants for beginners. From tropical West Africa, this plant likes partial shade and low-light conditions, so it’s great for shady spaces, and it needs little water or fertilizer to grow. It’s one of the plants NASA has been studying as a natural air purification system, and is known for removing volatile organic compounds like formaldehyde and benzene from the air.


To look after this plant, it’s best to grow it in sandy, well-draining soil. Water only when the soil is dry, and limit watering to every 3-4 weeks in summer and every 2 months in winter. You can boost growth in the warmer months by adding a little liquid organic fertilizer when you water.


#5 – Dracaena


The best houseplants for beginners include Dracaena marginata and Dracaena fragrans, although all varieties of Dracaena are pretty hardy. These Madagascar Dragon Tree plants are as impressive as their name suggests, with spiked, palm-like crowns forming at the top of each stem.


They enjoy medium, indirect light, and you need to keep them away from direct sunlight as this can burn the leaves. Be sure to water only when the top two inches of soil are dry, and make sure the pot drains well so that the roots aren’t waterlogged. It’s a tropical plant, so it likes to be kept in a warm area.


It’s important to note that this plant is toxic, so keep it away from small children and pets.



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